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Friday, November 13, 2009

Yes Man-6.2/10

PG-13 -for mild cussing, sexual references, and brief group of naked butt scene

Jim Carrey had some real funny guy back in the day, you know, Mask, Liar Liar, even Fun with Dick and Jane wasn't bad. I think Yes Man may be marking the end of Jim Carrey being as funny as he used to. Don't get me wrong, for a comedy this isn't bad, just not as good as his other stuff. But i'm getting ahead of myself! Here's the plot: Carl's (Carrey) missing out on his life. He ignores his friends, stays at home, unless he's at his crappy bank job. Until he attends a seminar in which he devotes his life to the word 'yes'. This movie had potential. I could read that plot and be like "Oh yeah, they could have slot of funny stuff in here". But it's not as good as I was hoping. And costar zooey something rather, was annoying. She sings crappy songs that... Are crappy. On the other hand, it has some funny moments, and fans of Jim Carrey kind of comedies may be slightly disapointed, but should at least kind of like this.

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