Looking for... This?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

9 - 6.3/10

PG-13 -Cartoon violence

Upon seeing trailers and such for this movie, I wanted to see it, as I always thought a more darker computerized kind of a movie would be interesting. This movie is about 9 little doll things that are struggling to survive on a dead planet. Oh, and one other thing. There's this machine thing hunting them down. So there you have it. The storyline is alright, except for the ending, which was mostly disappointing. This movie also has an all star cast, with Elijah Wood (Lord of the Rings) as #9, Jennifer Connelly (Blood Diamond, The Day the Earth Stood Still) as #7, Crispin Glover as #6 and John C Reilly (Dewey Cox, Step Brothers) as #5. They all did well, although it was funny at first hearin Reilly talking, without saying anything funny. Now I gotta say, the graphics of this movie were pretty good, I think we'll be seeing much more serious computerized movies in our future. So at any rate, I'd recommend this movie to fans of apocalyptic mystery type movies, I can't really think of any particular movie that fans of would particularly like this movie... It's too bad this wasn't a really good movie, then I could hve given it a 9.9/10, to match it's theatrical release date of 9/9/09.

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