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Friday, November 6, 2009

Now Playing!

Welcome! I have been meaning to make a movie rating blog for a while, and here I am! I will try to not let this blog die as some of my past blogs died... Maybe I will breathe some life into those... Another time, another place! At any rate, this blog will rate and review movies, and, if I feel as though I must, tv shows, and maybe even on special occasions, video games. And maybe albums too... Well anyways... I will post reviews most likely the night I watched the movies, so it could be a tad sporadic... Welcome, and I hope you find my reviews helpful!


  1. Hah, we'll see...I don't watch a lot of the movies you consider "good"...:P

  2. This is cool, and I think it's a good Idea. But why don't you rate the movies? Like 1 to 10, or thumbs up/down, or you know, something!
