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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Paranormal Activities-2.1/10

R-Mainly for numerous F bombs

For a long time I have looked for a movie that would legitimately scare me. So when I caught wind of this 'Paranormal Activities' being "scariest movie ever", I had a spark of hope. A week or so later, I watched it. I still need to find a movie that will scare me. I don't quite see why this movie would scare... Anyone. The storyline was far too predictable and the characters were... Lame, to say the least. About the movie, a married girl gets haunted and has psychics and such come help her. It drags on, and the 'Cloverfield' camera angle had potential, but that's all it had. And one last thing... This is fictional. I'm so tired of hearing gullible idiots thinking this was a true story or something. Some people...


  1. Well, more reason for me NOT to see it! I prob. would be scared though.. Considering I'm scared of Signs...and I Am Legend....

  2. Yeah, I heard it was pretty lame. Thanks for watching it for me to prove that.
