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Saturday, November 28, 2009

In Bruges-7.8/10

R-language, some drug use, and blood

This movie is about the effects following an assassin's mistake of accidentally killing a child. The assassin is played by Colin Farrell (SWAT, Minority Report) and plays the role well. Keep in mind this movie takes place in Bruges, Belgium, so accents are present. This movie has a good storyline with nice twists and all that good stuff, as well as having a somewhat dark humor floating in the background. Harry Potter fans should take note that Harry (ha) played by Ralph Fiennes plays Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter films. In the longrun, I recommend
this movie to fans of such movies as The Minority Report and RocknRolla, although keep in mind, I mentioned humor, but I would not consider this movie an outright comedy.

"You're right, it's a f****ing fairy tale"

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