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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Location Location Location

I'm sure you've noticing the updates and such I've been making, including: color changes, label changes, "conclusion" option, label "cloud" and search bar. It does not end there! I am currently in the process of a better title display, why am I telling you this? Because I need your help! Basically I need something that can fit in an "O". e.g. The watchmen icon, stewies eye, bullseye. Something movie or show orientated that can pass as an "O". An image link would be great too... And lastly, if you have any suggestions let me know, or if any problems or typeos or any of those nasty things occur. Thank you much, continue to read, comment, and share my blog.


  1. You do realize that you spelled typos wrong don't you? Yeah...How's that for ironic?

  2. I had no idea how to spell that...
