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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Smokin' Aces-8.4/10

R- profanity, blood, mild nudity

I've always liked movies where a bunch of people are all goin' after a hidden treasure, or assassins goin' after a heavy bounty. Which is party why I like this movie. Word gets around that there's a million dollar price on the heart of Buddy Israel a magician/snitch. This movie is loaded with some big names, Buddy is played by Jeremy Piven (RocknRolla), FBI agent Richard Messner is played by Ryan Reynolds (X-Men: Origins, Just Friends). One of the crazy Tremor brothers is played by Chris Pine (Star Trek). Other actors include Alicia Keys, Common, and Ben Affleck (this guy dies in the first half hour of the movie and gets first billing...). This movie is good, with good twists, and a good ending. Fans of RocknRolla should really like this, as they are quite similar, minus the comedy. Also, fans of Ryan Reynolds should be interested in this, as apart from Amityville Horror, this is his most serious role I've seen him in

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