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Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Rocker-3.3/10

PG-13 -For naked man booty, suggestive scenes

I hate movies about people singing. Because, inevitabley there's going to be a scene where some amateur wannabe sings. And everytime that happens, my ears immediately begin stabbing my brain. It's not pleasant. This movie had a whole slew of such scenes. Let's take a look at the plot. A guy(Rainn Wilson) is in a band, they're doin great and everything, but because of some kind of record label problems, the band drops Fish, the nickname of the guy. So the guy moves in with his brother as he watches his old band become famous. Then he hears some punks in the gararge and joins there band and they live happily ever after. Basically. Sounds kind of like School of Rock, right? Although, if my memory serves me correctly... School of Rock was way better. Anyways! The Office fans will recognize Dwight, who plays Fish. So, fans of nothing I like will LOVE this movie. It had maybe two or three scenes where I maybe smiled, a little.

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