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Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Transporter Trilogy-8.8/10

PG-13 - For violence, which isn't gruesome or anything, I don't think they cuss much in these... Brief nudity in Transporter 2.

Ah yes... The Transporter movies, including The Transporter, The Transporter 2, and The Transporter 3. Lovely titles, eh? These action packed movies revolve around Frank Martin (Jason Statham), a transporter for hire. A transporter, in this situation, is one who transports illegal or secret goods. And here's my review for The Transporter, released in 2002:
Begins with a nice chase scene, adequately introducing you to Frank Martin, and how serious he takes his transporting job. He keeps his job hush hush, but his chief of police friend, ironic?, is a tad suspicious. This is probably the best of the three Transporters, and even though the storyline is quite basic, the fight scenes, chase scenes, music, and the mostly good acting makes up for it. Next up, Transporter 2, released in 2005:
The first few minutes parallel the first movie up to the point where Frank is about to pick up his next item to transport. A child. That's right folks, he goes soft. And wouldn't you know it? There's a point in the movie the kid gets kidnapped. That's the way kids are in movies it seems. At any rate, it's an alright movie, probably the worst of the 3. His most seen enemy wears naught but a bikini the whole time, and her acting was subpar. The fight scenes and such were sufficient. Oh, and the graphics sucked. Transporter 3, released in 2008:
The latest Transporter is pretty good, and starts out with Frank chillin' out with his chief of police friend, when, all of a sudden, some guy drives into the wall of his house, real annoying Kool-Aid man like. This movie has a bit of a confusing storyline, which is my main complaint. And his girlfriend is kind of annoying. The main enemy is a good actor, the actors in general do a good job. And the graphics, unlike the second, are nice.
These are a nice set of movies, and began me liking Jason Statham movies, his fighting style reminds me of what Bruce Lee would be like if he was white, and his cool guy dispotion reminds me of Clint Eastwood or Steve McQueen.


  1. You are so blunt..it's really hilarious. And once again...making references to actors I don't know about.....

  2. don't mind her, she's not so good with teh movies. (you know she's still afraid of signs!) I liked the movies, mostly cause Statham is awesome. Subpar acting, but good action and premise.
