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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunshine Cleaning-4.8/10

R- F bombs, brief nudity, crime scene blood

I probably would have never ever picked out this movie to watch. It's not my kind of movie. But it was on, I was bored, so here you have it. Two sisters(one has a kid) are low on money, so one, with the help of her married cop friend, gets a job of cleaning crime scenes. I remember once watching a 20/20 or something about people like that. It's a sticky job, but apparently good money. Which makes sense, if some guy commits suicide in his hotel bathtub, the hotel people are gonna want that cleaned up as quickly and efficiently as possible, right? Anyways so that's the storyline. It's alright. It was made in 2008, starring Amy Adams, Emily blunt, and Alan Arkin, so the acting isn't bad. My main complaint is that it's kind of a slow pace movie... But I watched it all the way through so it wasn't unbearable... I would recommend this movie to... People who... Like this kind of movie... I can't think of any similar movies... Although, I guess fans of Little Miss Sunshine would like it. You tell me.

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