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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Role Models- 3.7/10

R-Language, suggestive themes, nudity

Anyone here ever watched the U.S Open or Wimbeldon or any of those big tennis events? Because I always though Andy Roddick (tennis player) looked like Sean William Scott (actor). Anyways. This movie is about two friends who must serve 150hours of community service through a child mentoring program. Wheeler (Sean William Scott) is assigned to a rowdy and bad mouthed little black boy, and Danny (Paul Rudd) is assigned to a nerdy teen. This movie has it's moments, as all comedies do, and the first two thirds or so are pretty funny. But the last half hour or so is terrible. All it is is them being all nerdy fighting in a mock medieval style war. Which destroyed the movie for me. Like I said, the first part is still pretty funny, and amusing, with a fairly original storyline. I'd recommend this movie to fans of I Love you,Man, 40 Year Old Virgin, and movies of that type.

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