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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 -3.4/10

R- John Travolta swears much more then he did in Grease

Nothing like a good ol' hostage situation, eh? With some negotiating here and some negotiating there. And what if you throw in a hijacking! Sounds fun, right? And how about to top it off, throw in John Travolta (Grease) and Denzel Washington (Dejavu)! Well now that story right there... Sucks. This movie is about a guy (Travolta) who hijacks a subway train, stops it, and holds everyone hostage. The local subway intercom man (Washington) is the man set to negotiate and all that so the cops can stop him. This movie was way drawn out, and I'm sorry Johnny boy, but you are not a good gangster. Your repeated "motherf******" went from enough, to comical, and then to annoying. Give it up. I've never been a Denzel fan and this movie gives me more reason not to be. This movie, if nothing else, has a working storyline, it just wasn't played out well, and some incidents were too incredibley coincidental. The only kind of people I think would particularly like this movie are Denzel Washington fans, as he plays his normal role as a confused man who tries to help people.

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