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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Enter: December!

Whew. My first month of this blog is complete with a total of 29 movie reviews. Thank you, Kairi and Geo Rok for the comments, as I would not continue this blog if there was no audience, so a round of applause for you guys (especially Kairi). I've looked through these posts, and would like to apologize for spelling errors and such. It happens. I'm sorry. But moving forward! The glorious month of December. Let me give you a small hint as to what to expect this month.
Hint: Chances are, there's going to be some Christmas movies reviewed
Hmm a very vague hint you may say, by the time you decipher it, it will probably be too late. I will continue with the new pattern I've set: 1 movie a day, published at 1:00pm my time (California). Again, thanks for reading, and be sure to tell all your friends about this blog!

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