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Friday, December 4, 2009


R-nudity, F bombs left n right

Jason Statham stars in another action packed movie, although this one, unlike his others, is also a comedy. Fun stuff, right? Yep, it is. Crank is a movie about Chev Chelios (Statham) who wakes up to find that he was injected with some Asian posion, and is going to die within an hour. Or is he? With the help of his druggie doctor friend, he finds there is something that can temporarily put off the poison. Adrenaline. But only temporarily. So Chelios sets out to kill his injector, while keepin' himself pumped all the way there. This movie has a nice ratio of action and comedy, even making it, at one point, my favorite movie. Anyways. Napoleon Dynamite fans will recognize Chelios's other friend is played by "Vote for Pedro" Pedro. Interesting role, my friend. And if you've seen Starsky and Hutch or Just friends, you will recognize Amy Smart, who plays Chelios's stupid girlfriend. Tis a good movie, fans of RocknRolla, the Transporter movies, and movies such as that should enjoy this.

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