Looking for... This?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Host-7.6/10

R-F bomb dropped in the subtitles. and violence. the scifi kind.

Always nice taking a look into what other countries like. This Korean 2006 film is the... top movie? I dunno, it's a popular movie over in South Korea. Maybe in North Korea too. Nevermind. Probably not. Anyways. The Host (I heard from a somewhat reliable source that the korean translates more into The Monster) is about a big bad monster attacking Korea and whatnot. This is a pretty good movie, even though I had to read subtitles, it wasn't bad, the graphics were alright, and the storyline was solid enough, it even had some comedy in their. This movie kind of reminded me of Cloverfield, but I would definitely rank this above that, oh and don't worry, it's not a Cloverfield type camera angle. So long story short, I would recommend this to Cloverfield fans, or just monsters atatcking cities in general. Resident Evil fans will also like this, similar quarantine type stuff happening, all and all this is like Cloverfield meets Resident Evil. So enjoy. Oh, and I'm not even gonna bother adding the name of the cast in the tags. Maybe someday.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

American Psycho-6.6/10

R-Heavy blood, and nudity, language. This is a pretty heavily R rated movie...

Yikes. Now if this movie didn't have a thin coat of dark comedy over it, I would be deeply disturbed. Instead I am only somewhat disturbed. Christian Bale (Dark Knight) stars in American Psycho. Meet Patrick Bateman, CEO of some business, who obsesses over everything. Such as in one scene, comparing business cards, pretty funny stuff. Now Meet Patrick Bateman after hours, a bloodthirsty psychopath, whom still is obsessive. Now this is an okay movie, Bale, as always, plays the role well, and the storyline is solid enough, but what I liked most was the ending, why? *spoiler alert* Because even after all is said and done, including his full out confession, he gets away with it, against his will. Oh, and Reese Witherspoon plays his fiancee, and fans of the band 30 Seconds to Mars will recognize Jared Leto, who plays the character Paul Allen. I would recommend this movie to fans of Bale, as well as fans of just thriller kind of movies. Is this thriller? I guess not.... Horror? No... Mystery? Hmm...

"I'm gonna go return some videotapes" - Patrick Bateman

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

StarWars III: Revenge of the Sith-7.3/10

PG-13-scifi violence. gotta love it. also a... burning corpse scene

Ahh yes, Star Wars. This is George Lucas's most recent, and possible last, star wars film. No Duh. Now I have a theory on Star Wars. Either you can stand it or you can't. I can stand it, and surprised myself with how many lines I knew when I watched this lt night. I'll give this movie props on its beginning. Cut's right into the action. And then it slows down. If it's one thing this movie sucked with was Anakin's and Padme's conversations. I was starting to fall asleep by instinct whenever those two were together. But nonetheless it did a good job combinig old Star Wars with new Star Wars. This movie includes Hayden Christiansen (Shattered Glass), Ewan McGregor (Moulan Rouge? is that how it's spelled?), Samuel L Jackson (this guy is in loads of stuff), and Natalie Portman (uhh...). So. It's Star Wars, so if you like Star Wars, you've probably already seen this. And if you don't like Star Wars you probably don't want to.

"Not from a Jedi"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Princess Mononoke-8.6/10

PG-13 -It's animated, guys, how bad can it be? A couple not too bloody severed limbs, and some other bloody scenes.

Me and anime go waay back. At one point I was borderline obessesed with it. But no longer. I have severed my ties and only for legitmately good material is my interest revived. Such as in this Miyazaki animation, Princess Mononoke. This movie is about this small village warrior who becomes cursed after an encounter with a raging demon. He doesn't very much like the idea of ebing cursed and sets off on a quest to remove it, becoming much more involved in a greater issue. It is a good movie. the dubbing is decent and the animation is quite nice. Keep in mind this includes little elements that would make only die hard anime fans enjoy it. I in fact know several non-anime fans who enjoy this movie. But in the long run, fans of Miyazaki, and adventure movies 'n all that good stuff will enjoy this. If you are, like I have been, a complete anti anime kind of guy, watch this. Miyazaki makes anime look good.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back from the Dead

Yeah... So December was a pretty dead month. And I apologize. I'm sure my viewer(s?) were widely dissapointed. If not later this month, this blog will be officially jumpstarted in February. I'm sure all of you know how holidays can be kind of crazy, and although they were not responsible for my lack of posts I will fully blame them for my lack of posts. Because that's what I do.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spies Like Us-7.0/10

PG-if it was made now it'd be '13, due to suggestive scenes

This movie was made in 1985. So as anyone could probably guess, connecting the title and the year, this movie is Cold War set. And it's a comedy. Saturday Night Live alumni Chevy Chase and Dan Akroyd star in this movie about two flunkies who are sent on a nuke mission, as decoys, whilst the real spies do there work. Or do they? This movie includes many cameos including Bob Hope and Frank Oz. This movie is pretty funny, and the classic team up of a smart but lazy guy (Akroyd) and just plain stupid guy (Chase). Now if neither of those names ring a bell, they both are in Ghostbusters. Now if you've never seen Ghostbusters... My goodness! You live under some kind of a rock! Family guy fans should immediately see a connection with the episode "Spies Reminscent of Us" just released this year, which is a direct spoof of this movie and Chase and Akroyd even do the voices of there character. A funny episode with funny scenes of who's-funnier. Fans of Ghostbusters should most definitely like this as this is the same kind of humor.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Crank: High Voltage-7.2/10

R- this is like an LA movie, so there's all that nudity and profanity and blood

Jason Statham stars as Chev Chelios in the sequel to Crank! Now I gotta say, I was psyched to see this movie. At the time I REALLY liked Crank, so the sequel, for me, was a must see! And see it I did. Chev Chelios returns with his invincible heart! Let me rephrase that. Chev Chelios returns, and he's missing his heart! That's right. Them darn Asians gone and stole his heart! So he's goin to get it! If you recall in the first Crank, Chev had to keep his adrenaline going to keep him alive. In this one, he must keep himself electrified to keep his electric heart going. Loads of fun right? This movie is good but it seems the Crank people thought long drawn out randomness is funny. Which it can be, but not as extreme as this I'm afraid. It had loads of potential but it's overdone randomness didn't work out. All the main actors from the first Crank return... In one way or another... Even though this movie wasn't great, I still hope for a sequel. Fans of Crank will like this, and such as movies like that.