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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

American Psycho-6.6/10

R-Heavy blood, and nudity, language. This is a pretty heavily R rated movie...

Yikes. Now if this movie didn't have a thin coat of dark comedy over it, I would be deeply disturbed. Instead I am only somewhat disturbed. Christian Bale (Dark Knight) stars in American Psycho. Meet Patrick Bateman, CEO of some business, who obsesses over everything. Such as in one scene, comparing business cards, pretty funny stuff. Now Meet Patrick Bateman after hours, a bloodthirsty psychopath, whom still is obsessive. Now this is an okay movie, Bale, as always, plays the role well, and the storyline is solid enough, but what I liked most was the ending, why? *spoiler alert* Because even after all is said and done, including his full out confession, he gets away with it, against his will. Oh, and Reese Witherspoon plays his fiancee, and fans of the band 30 Seconds to Mars will recognize Jared Leto, who plays the character Paul Allen. I would recommend this movie to fans of Bale, as well as fans of just thriller kind of movies. Is this thriller? I guess not.... Horror? No... Mystery? Hmm...

"I'm gonna go return some videotapes" - Patrick Bateman

1 comment:

  1. I don't know WHY people like you watch movies like these.
